Only the Cinando team can change the name of your company.
To ensure our database is as accurate as possible, we treat company name changes on a case-by-case basis. In the case of a small change, such as a spelling mistake, our team will proceed with the change without hesitation. However, in the case of a significant change, we require more information.
To submit a request for a company name change, please write to our team at and include as much information as possible in your message. For example, please tell us:
- Why you are requesting this name change
- If the change is legal, include proof of the change (document, web or social media page)
Before submitting your request, please ensure that you wish to change the name of your current company, NOT register or be associated with a different company.
To submit your request, and if you have any additional questions regarding company name changes on Cinando, please write to us at